Media Blasting

Media Blasting has eliminated the need for toxic chemicals, and it has also revolutionized a traditional abrasive cleaning and stripping.
They are safe, eco-friendly, and most don’t damage the substrate being cleaned.

Soda Blasting

Strips and cleans by propelling a bicarbonateof-soda media onto the area to be cleaned. This process removes paint and other contaminants without damaging the underlying substrate. Blast media is specially formulated sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), called Natrium soda, a non-toxic, nonhazardous food-grade material that is 100% water soluble and environmentally friendly.

Glass Blasting

Is similar to traditional blasting methods and sits in the middle of our range of medias in terms of aggressiveness and can be used for much finer work such as polishing aluminium, stainless, brass, copper etc.


Sand Blasting

If done with care, sand blasting can be used across the spectrum; however, as we have other media options at hand, we keep sand for applications where aggressive hard blasting is required


How does Media Blasting work?

Media blasting particles remove surface contaminate by the energy released as the particles explode when pressure-driven into contact with a surface. The resulting release of energy disrupts the contaminate surface leaving the substrate completely unaffected.

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