
Top 10 Causes Of Home Flooding And Water Damage

Most homeowners experience some type of water issue in their homes. Below find the 10 most common reasons for home water damage issues. Many of these items require simple maintenance to avoid. The bottom line is if you understand the different causes of water damage you can prevent it from happening in your home. Frozen

smoke damage canada


Below you will read: HOW TO MOVE FORWARD FOLLOWING A FIRE Experiencing a house fire can be an earthshaking experience. When a fire destroys the home you relied on to protect your family, it can be hard to move forward. Even though you may be paralyzed by your loss, you have to move forward. At IBX SERVICES,

What do water damage companies do

What Do Water Damage Restoration Companies Do?

IBX Services is a GTA water damage restoration company but not only. When the water damage restoration company reaches you, the technicians will first and foremost find the source of the water and stop it where possible. This might involve repairing damage to your walls or your roofing, or it might mean fixing a pipe or blocking

6 Steps To Take After A Flood

Flooding is becoming more common – and more expensive. You can’t stop it happening but you can minimize its effects. Here are some tips to help you deal with a flood. Play it safe. The dangers are not over when the water goes down. Your home’s foundation may have been weakened, the electrical system may have

Molud Growth And How They Affect Your Home And Health

Below you will find the different types of mold and how they affect your home and health. Mold growth in a home causes an undesirable smell, health issues, and damage to the property.  Mould eats away at the walls and ceilings of a home. It can also damage the foundation of a home and the

Preventing Indoor Water Damage In Your Home

A report says that the number one homeowner insurance claim is not for fire, not for theft or storm damage, it’s for water damage. It’s not from major floods, huge thunderstorms or even leaks in the roof. The largest number of claims comes from indoor water damage. And the number one culprit is those weak

handling smoke damage

IBX | Fire Damage Restoration Professionals

Why You Should Hire Quality Fire Damage Restoration Professionals If you have ever had smoke damage in your home, you know how difficult it is to get your home back to normal. You can hire professionals to deal with this problem, but their rates can be unaffordable. Can you do this type of project on

fire damage restoratiom

Fire Damage. Best Stain And Odor Removal Tips

If your home’s experienced smoke damage, you’ll want to address the issue immediately. The sooner you begin cleaning, the better chance you’ll have of eliminating the damage completely. You have two choices available to you: you can hire professionals, or do the work on your own. Professionals are a lot of experience when it comes