Mold basement

Causes of Mould in Basement

Preventing Mould in the Basement Wherever mould, organic feeding material, and oxygen is present mould will be too, making your basement a disaster. Even if your basement might seem dry, it may already be affected by mould and mildew because the fungi could be growing behind the walls or underneath furniture. Basement mould will be

Why Isn’t Recommended Using Bleach To Clean Mold?

Mold is a very stressful topic that most homeowners don’t like to think about. If they have to discuss it, it is because they may have discovered mold in their home. Of course, mold can be both dangerous and costly too. Chances are if you have found it you are desperately trying to determine how

Condensation Damp Problems

How To Deal With Condensation Damp Problems

During the colder months, condensation damp problems are very stressful. They are caused as a result of excess moisture. You have to know that if you left the condensation damp problems untreated can cause mold and different health problems. IBX Services have some recommendation on how to remove condensation damp problems: A simple explanation of

water damage problems

Water Damage Problems | What To Do?

Are several reasons that water damage can happen in your home or business area. Starting with common floods from faulty appliances such as washing machines to plumbing mishaps, burst pipes, leaking roofs, and guttering or to heavy rain and natural floods. As a result, water damage problems have to be attended to as quickly as possible

Mold Allergies

Mold Allergies? Choose Professionals!

Mold allergies can make you feel miserable. Mold will grow in moist areas and can trigger reactions depending on the type and length of time you are exposed. It lives indoors and outdoors, but most often indoor mold lurking in your home or business can cause potential health problems. Mold thrives in damp and warm

Water in Home Air Ducts

Water In Home Air Ducts? How To Remove It?

Moisture or water in home air ducts can seem harmless at first; however, if ignored it could lead to serious problems like mold or mildew growth. Moisture in your ductwork can also indicate underlying problems that need to be addressed. There are several common reasons for water in home air ducts. Moisture is a sign

Small Fire

Small Fire | How Getting Rid of Damages?

Never let a small fire become a major emergency. Learn how to identify and handle small fires safely. Having the proper materials in your home to handle a small fire is very important. Electrical Fires Certain conditions may lead to an electrical fire, including circuit breakers that repeatedly trip, shocks or tingling feeling as you


Mold In My Crawlspace? | How to remove it?

Mold can be a precarious threat to your home or business and its inhabitants. Known health risks associated with exposure to common its spores are respiratory irritation and infections. The others are skin or eye reactions, and neurological issues such as migraines, listlessness, and memory or attention problems. People with pre-existing conditions like asthma, COPD,

Fire and Smoke Damage

Fire and Smoke Damage – IBX Services

During a fire and smoke damage, the most important thing is to call a restoration company. IBX Services is here to walk you through every step, treating you like we would treat our own family. Our fire and smoke damage restoration team want business and homeowners to be aware that all properties are susceptible to