Mold basement

Causes of Mould in Basement

Preventing Mould in the Basement Wherever mould, organic feeding material, and oxygen is present mould will be too, making your basement a disaster. Even if your basement might seem dry, it may already be affected by mould and mildew because the fungi could be growing behind the walls or underneath furniture. Basement mould will be

Why Isn’t Recommended Using Bleach To Clean Mold?

Mold is a very stressful topic that most homeowners don’t like to think about. If they have to discuss it, it is because they may have discovered mold in their home. Of course, mold can be both dangerous and costly too. Chances are if you have found it you are desperately trying to determine how

Mold Cleaning

Mold Cleaning Methods From IBX Services

We know well that every home there are different mold infestations. They can grow quickly, so ensure getting rid of them before they attacked the home and your family. Here you will find come mold cleaning methods that IBX Services Team recommends for you. The general explanation for mold is that they are some fungus

Bathroom Mold

Bathroom Mold – IBX Services Team

When we talk for mold problems, bathroom mold is the first thing pass on the mind. It is the most common phenomenon and appears for some different reasons. If you are thinking to hire a professional company, we recommend that before understanding what you can safely clean or remove on your own, and when you

Water Damage

Water Damage | What Causes And Its Effects

Water damage includes any sort of destruction or loss caused by excessive water intrusion. It can be instantaneous, fast and destructive such as flooding or maybe slow such as damaging surfaces by water spots, rotting of wood, rusting of iron, the growth of molds and delaminating of some surfaces. You have to know that destruction and

Mold Allergies

Mold Allergies? Choose Professionals!

Mold allergies can make you feel miserable. Mold will grow in moist areas and can trigger reactions depending on the type and length of time you are exposed. It lives indoors and outdoors, but most often indoor mold lurking in your home or business can cause potential health problems. Mold thrives in damp and warm

attic mold removal

Attic Mold Removal | Choose IBX Services

Could you have mold in your attic? Are you suspect because of physical symptoms that can feel like annoying allergies such as itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, wheezing, sore throat and even nosebleeds, headaches and fatigue. If you’ve had any of these symptoms without knowing the cause, you could have mold in your attic or in


Mold In My Crawlspace? | How to remove it?

Mold can be a precarious threat to your home or business and its inhabitants. Known health risks associated with exposure to common its spores are respiratory irritation and infections. The others are skin or eye reactions, and neurological issues such as migraines, listlessness, and memory or attention problems. People with pre-existing conditions like asthma, COPD,

Water Damage Restoration

Water Damage Restoration Best Practices

IBX Services is pleased to provide you with this consumer information about water damage restoration and how to choose a water damage restoration company. Water Damage Restoration & Insurance Under the law, it is your right to determine what company will perform work in your home or business. Some insurance carriers have “preferred contractors” that