Why Isn’t Recommended Using Bleach To Clean Mold?

Mold is a very stressful topic that most homeowners don’t like to think about. If they have to discuss it, it is because they may have discovered mold in their home. Of course, mold can be both dangerous and costly too. Chances are if you have found it you are desperately trying to determine how

Mold Cleaning

Mold Cleaning Methods From IBX Services

We know well that every home there are different mold infestations. They can grow quickly, so ensure getting rid of them before they attacked the home and your family. Here you will find come mold cleaning methods that IBX Services Team recommends for you. The general explanation for mold is that they are some fungus

Prevent Mold Growth

Prevent Mold Growth From Your Closets

Of course, if you find mold spots on your clothes will be frustrating. This means that you have to take all of your clothes out of the closet, wash them, dry them, and put them away again. But in these cases, you have to find the root of the problem. Check if your clothes were

attic mold removal

Attic Mold Removal | Choose IBX Services

Could you have mold in your attic? Are you suspect because of physical symptoms that can feel like annoying allergies such as itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, wheezing, sore throat and even nosebleeds, headaches and fatigue. If you’ve had any of these symptoms without knowing the cause, you could have mold in your attic or in


Mold In My Crawlspace? | How to remove it?

Mold can be a precarious threat to your home or business and its inhabitants. Known health risks associated with exposure to common its spores are respiratory irritation and infections. The others are skin or eye reactions, and neurological issues such as migraines, listlessness, and memory or attention problems. People with pre-existing conditions like asthma, COPD,

Mold Removal

Mold Removal In Schools – IBX Services

In many years, mold has been a serious issue in several schools. Besides resulting in staining and other damage on school property, it is also a big health risk for some of our most vulnerable members of society: our children. In general, the symptoms of mold — such as coughing, watery eyes, itchy skin, etc.,

Mold Tips

Mold Tips | Professional Team of IBX Services

Getting rid of all mold spores in your house, it’s almost impossible. But you know that mold spores can’t grow without moisture, so if you reducing moisture in your home is the best way to prevent or eliminate mold growth. If mold spores growing in your home, it’s important to clean up the mold and

Mold Removal

Mold Removal | Steps Proper Of Disappear

Mold is one of the big home problems nowadays. Customers always require home builders to have a fast action plan; both the mold removal and to show customers a quality home builder. The most important is looking out for the costumer’s health and safety and the durability of their home. In addition, choosing the right


Mold | Control Window Condensation To Prevent Its Growth

If you see mold around the house is mostly the result of the presence of mold spores, humidity, and warmth. When you feel a moldy smell in the house it would be very essential to make a mold inspection to check for the presence and type of mold in the home. It’s necessary to prevent